In honor of NO SHAVE NOVEMBER, let’s talk about PROSTATE CANCER
Physical activity/exercise has been shown to decrease central adipose deposition, decrease circulating levels of inflammation, insulin and unfavorable hormones in prostate cancer patients. It is recommended that implementation of an exercise program during and after treatment of prostate cancer be a part of the standard of care. Ribbons PT can assist prostate cancer patients to develop an individualized exercise program in a safe environment. The exercise program can be curtailed to progress to a community gym or to be continued at home depending on the patient’s needs.
Deb AA, Emmanuel O, Emara S, et al. Physical activity and prostate cancer: a systematic review. Urol Nephrol Open Access J. 2019;7(5):117- 129. DOI: 10.15406/unoaj.2019.07.00258
Ribbons Physical Therapy offers cancer pre-treatment/post-treatment screenings

American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer’s 2020 rehabilitation recommends that rehabilitation services be available at time of diagnosis and are continually available throughout treatment, surveillance, and when appropriate through end of life. It recommends that rehabilitation services conduct screenings so that physical dysfunctions, impairments disabilities, and cognitive dysfunction can be identified and managed appropriately. Ribbons Physical Therapy has physical therapy and occupational therapy available to screen and manage these dysfunctions. We are equipped to perform 15 – 20 min screenings free of charge either in person or via telehealth over a HIPPA secure platform if the patient is unable to physically be present in our clinic. Let us assist your patients to be as functionally independent as possible. If we determine the patient would benefit from rehab services, we would then contact the provider for a formal referral to OT and/or PT. PT/OT treatment via telehealth is available if the insurance provider allows. Let us screen your patients at time of diagnosis and periodically throughout treatment and intervene with PT/OT treatment if indicated. If you are at a facility that has to meet CoC’s standards of care, this will assist you in meeting these standards.
EPIC access for Ballad Heath facilities

Ribbons Physical Therapy has been provided a portal to EPIC!! We are now able to access PT/OT/Lymphedema clinic orders dropped into EPIC as long as we are provided via fax/phone the following patient information:
- Patient Name
- Patient DOB
- Epic MR#
If you are a Ballad Health provider, this will ease the referral process eliminating printing and faxing needed information. This will save your office staff time and quicken the referral process.
Chemo Brain

According to chemo brain is: A term commonly used to describe thinking and memory problems that a patient with cancer may have before, during, or after cancer treatment. Signs and symptoms of chemo brain include disorganized behavior or thinking, confusion, memory loss, and trouble concentrating, paying attention, learning, and making decisions. Ribbons Physical Therapy now has an occupational therapist on staff who can assist your patients with cognitive deficits that may arise as a result of cancer. OTs are trained to identify difficulties with cognition and assess how these difficulties affect their everyday skills. OT interventions may include developing individualized compensatory strategies, cognitive retraining, specific functional skills training, environment modifications, or assistive technology. Cognition therapy can enable patients to participate more wholly and independently with everyday activities.
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