I started seeing Sheree in the spring of 2020. It seemed she knew right away the lymphedema in my arm was somewhat out of the ordinary. Sheree stayed in contact with my oncologist’s office and when my lymphedema wasn’t responding to treatment as it should, she suggested more scans. Sheree is truly a God send— scans and blood work did show cancer in a lymph node and metastatic breast cancer. Ibrance and radiation treatments were started. After 3 months, the next scans were clear, but cancer markers continue to go up, which causes concerns. But after seeing a specialist at Vanderbilt some of those concerns where answered . I am so thankful for Sheree, for her knowledge and professionalism, but also her empathy and passion to help her patients. She has laughed with me, listened to me cry, and I know she prays for me, because I am a work in progress. She is not only my physical therapist……I feel she is my friend.